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Route Statuses

Coast RTA has updated it’s Title VI Policy.
For more information on our updated policy, please click HERE.
For more questions, please contact

The RIDE 4 Sales Tax Commission was tasked by Horry County Council to prepare a final list of projects that may be funded by a 1% local sales and use tax, referred to as a ‘transportation tax,’ with an allowable collection period of up to 25 years. Once a list of specific transportation projects is determined, Horry County Council will then have the option to move the final list to a referendum vote by the citizens of Horry County on the November 2024 General Election ballot.
If approved by voters, the RIDE 4 program would go into effect May 1, 2025, after completion of the RIDE 3 collections.
Coast RTA is developing an Organizational Plan that will guide the agency’s growth for the next 20 years. Take this survey to provide your input on proposed service changes and help guide the future of transit in the area. We need you to make this plan a success!
FAQs about our new CONTACTLESS FARE PAYMENT process.
Recent News
Coast RTA Brings Back Fares and Introduces a New Way to Pay
Conway, SC – Beginning on September 26, 2022, Coast RTA will be bringing back fares and implementing a “Tap to Cap” pilot program that will make it easier and faster